Thysanoptera of Japan


Dendrothrips magnoliae Kudo, 1984

和名: - 

本種は長野県のコブシから記載された。日本原色アザミウマ図鑑の原稿執筆時点では長野県の情報しかなかったが、その後群馬県でサワヒヨドリから、山梨県でアブラチャンから得られている。また、Wang et al. (2019)は中国のシベリアニレから記録し、初めてオスを記載した。この記載によるとオスは頭部は褐色だが他は淡色で、腹部背板のドーナツ状の淡色部を欠く。本種は本州では山地で見られる。オスは日本では未知。

This species was described from Magnolia kobus of Nagano Prefecture in Honshu, and thereafter it has been collected from Eupatorium lindleyanum of Gunma Prefecture and Lindera praecox of Yamanashi Prefecture. It has been known from Honshu only so far, but Wang et al. (2019) recorded this species from Ulmus pumila of China and described its male at first. According to the description, the male has brown head and pale body without doughnut-like area on the abdominal tergites, and the pronotum with a pair of long posteroangular setae. In Japan, this species occurs on the mountainous area. Male is unknown in Japan.

  • Female



    Female head and thorax